why does your site not say anything about being against racism?

don't you think with a name like that you should say something about it?

and i asked our name be taken off that flyer on your site.

you know i am not finished right?

so are you guys really just a bunch of racists?

because if you are not and really want to do good, you need to hear me out on this.

so let's just say someone is surfing myspace and they run across this band name on someone's site. do they click on it? and why? maybe just to see what it is. ok. maybe but realize that most people are not going to do that. they are simply going to be offended. yuk. can you believe that. how awful. i guess racism is alive and well. things of that sort.

now, for the person that wants to look further. they get to the site. nothing. just a bunch of white people leaving comments. completely and utterly ignoring the name. what is someone to think? to me and most of the people i have talked to they believe you are a racist band and a racist site. they are now even more offended then when they first read the name. things heat up. not good. more racial tension. which has been growing like crazy since katrina. the 15 year old kid shot dead right here in cleveland by 2 white cops in his own bedroom. the beating caught on tape of a 64 year old black guy by white police in new orleans just last saturday night.

and i believe most of the people asking to become your friends probably are racist and believe you are a racist band. is there anything anywhere that says otherwise?

on the surface this looks like a racist band. to most people. and what it looks like on the surface is what it is because if there is nothing else being said, what are people to think?

does this make any sense to you guys?


ps. on the other hand, if you are a bunch of racist assholes......you might as well just say it. because that is what it looks like. and you know what, if you are racist and members of the kkk i will probably leave you alone. cause i have given up on those ignorant fuckers!