----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Oct 12, 2005 9:48 AM

just mind you my name is JEREMY aka THE KID WITH THE HAIR IN HIS FACE with the leather jacket & i go everywhere & anywhere wearing that jacket. i can tell you first had that yesterday alone i got about 4 black folks curious about the name on my jacket, i explained it & they were accepteing about it & i do go to the ghettos & bad neighborhoods. like i said before i get most shit from white folks just like yerselfs which proves my point.....where are the balck people pressuring this isssue like you guys are huh??? cat got yer tounge ooooohhhhhhhh!!!

believe what you want & we are going to keep doing what we are doing no matter what, you can think what you want about the band i don't care but i ain't racist or the band any one that knows us will tell you that & we probly know more people than you will ever know & i know a lot of people.

we are still going to be there on sunday no matter what if you want to bring the media please do & we will talk to them about what we are trying to do.


----------------- My Reply-----------------

alright jeffrey, let's try this again.

i have a big problem with a band using that name period. but you already know that.

but here is what really sets me off. there is nothing on their myspace site that says anything about the subject. this is a very very bad sign.

hang with me for a minute.

so let's just say you are surfing myspace and you run across this band name on someone's site. do you click on it? and why? maybe just to see what it is. ok. maybe but realize that most people are not going to do that. they are simply going to be offended. yuk. can you believe that. how awful. i guess racism is alive and well. things of that sort.

now, for the person that wants to look further. they get to the site. nothing. just a bunch of white people leaving comments. completely and utterly ignoring the name. what is someone to think? to me and most of the people i have talked to they believe it is a racist band and a racist site. they are now even more offended then when they first read the name. things heat up. not good. more racial tension. which has been growing like crazy since katrina. the 15 year old kid shot dead right here in cleveland by 2 white cops in his own bedroom. the beating caught on tape of a 64 year old black guy by white police in new orleans just last saturday night.

and i believe most of the people asking to become their friends probably are racist and believe it is a racist band. and again whether that is true is still to be seen but that is what it looks like on the surface. and what it looks like on the surface is what it is because if there is nothing else being said, what are people to think?

are you guys aware of this? the truth is they are doing nothing but damage every time that name appears.

and i am not trying to shit on them, if they (you, whatever) really are not racist than they need to be convinced what they are doing is not only wrong but completely doing the opposite of what it is they want to do. again providing they really do feel passionate about the issue. i at this point am not convinced they really do want to help. i think it is about shock value.

because if they did want to help why doesn't the site say something? anything?

most of the people visiting their site probably are racist and are thinking, yeah hey, look at these fuckers, how cool is that. way to go. let me be your friend.

so are you guys just a bunch or ignorant racist fuckers?

cause that is how it looks.

also just curious jeffrey, not sure if it is you or one of the other guys, but who ever owns the jacket with the name. would you or they wear it down the hallways of east cleveland hs during lunch? just curious.
